Occupational Therapy Programs
We have developed an occupational therapy focused curriculum based on developmental milestones that can be tailored to your child based on their strengths and interests. This program ensures interest and motivation while teaching the core skills for their developmentally appropriate level. Assessment scores will determine what level your child is ready to start at. As well, documentation each week will track your child's progress and programs will be updated regularly to further develop their skills
Fine Motor Skills (hand use)
Grasp (how we hold things)
palmar (pick up large objects)
pincer (pick up small objects)
tripod (adult pencil grasp)
isolate fingers (using your index to point/trace, counting using your fingers)
in-hand manipulation (transferring an small object between fingers)
left, right, or ambidextrous
crossing midline
Bimanual Coordination
threading beads onto a string
lacing a card
fasteners: buttons, zippers, snaps, laces
Scissor skills
pre-scissor skills (spray water bottles, tongs, hole punch)
holding scissors to snip, cut a line
cutting out shapes
pasting onto a picture
pre-drawing activities (bingo dabbers, finger paints, texture trays)
colouring within lines of a picture
pre-printing foundation shapes I -- O +
connect the dots, drawing within lines of a maze
connecting shapes to draw pictures (house, person, animals)
Hand Writing Without Tears program
build, trace, imitate, copy uppercase and lowercase letters
uses songs and multi-sensory tools to teach letters
Printing Like a Pro program, evidence based school curriculum
learn to type or use supported communication software programs
Sensory Processing
Sensory Diets
Vestibular (movement): find appropriate ways to move for the active child
Proprioception (body awareness): use deep pressure activities to calm
Tactile (touch): activities to reduce sensitivity to make self-care tasks easier
Auditory (hearing): reduce sensitivity and tune out background noise
Visual (sight): assist with attention and reduce distractions
Taste/Smell: assist with broadening a child's food preferences
ALERT Program
How does your engine run? high, low or just-right
teaching self-regulation activities to be at the 'just right' level of alertness
Zones of Regulation
Blue, Green, Yellow, or Red zones
social emotional learning
Integrated Listening Systems (iLS)
child listens to filtered music with bone conduction while doing exercises
improves auditory processing, language, attention, self-regulation
Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT)
passive and active movement exercises to integrate primitive (baby) reflexes
stimulates vestibular, proprioception, tactile senses for improved body awareness
level 1: for attention/concentration (ADD/ADHD)
level 2: for emotions, memory, behaviour (trauma, fear, stress)
Vestibular Rehab
series of movement exercises to retrain the vestibular system (balance)
treatment for nausea, vertigo, BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)
Relaxation Techniques
Direct teaching to children to assist with learning how to wind down at bedtime
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Guided Imagery
Deep Breathing techniques
Equipment Recommendations
Classroom learning aides: pencil grips, wiggle cushions, weighted lap pads
Visual supports: Boardmaker schedules, calendars
Social stories: individualized story of a child successfully doing a challenging task
Gross Motor Skills (body use)
Ball skills
throw, catch, kick, bounce, aim
play a game of catch
play a sport (soccer, baseball)
Bilateral Coordination
crossing midline
riding a bike
walking along a line/balance beam
standing on one leg
hopping, jumping, skipping
Bal-A-Vis-X Program
A series of Balance / Auditory / Vision eXercises: www.bal-a-vis-x.com
Rhythmic patterns improve: auditory skills, understanding and following directions, participation in discussions and pronunciation of words.
Visual improvements: ocular mobility (tracking), binocularity (eye teaming skills), visual form perception (discrimination of details) and eye-hand coordination.
Behavioural changes: decrease in impulsivity, increase in focus and attention, increase in self-esteem and confidence.
Balance and body coordination improvements
Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT/Bobath Approach)
hands-on approach to promote functional movement patterns in children with movement disorders (CP)
Children's Yoga
fun stretching exercises
energizing poses to help wake you up
relaxing poses to help calm you down
Self-care (activities of daily living)
taking clothes off, putting clothes on
planning what to wear
fasteners (buttons, zippers, snaps, laces)
washing hands, face, body
bathing, showering
grooming (brush hair, cut hair, cut nails)
drinking from a cup
use of utensils (spoon, fork, knife)
increase tolerance to a variety of foods
bathroom routines
toilet training (habit training or rapid training)
teaching to request/initiate
sleep hygiene
relaxation techniques
fall asleep and stay asleep
sleep on their own
Community Participation
transportation (car, bus, walking safely)
shopping trips
To learn about our OT treatment plan click here